Language Courses for Companies

Language Courses for Companies



Communication is at the foundation of business: being able to speak a foreign language is the main ingredient for success and the best way to gain customers’ trust.

We have extensive experience in the implementation of courses for companies. With an analytical approach to corporate clients, we can address their needs and provide tailored programs focused on individual business interests.

Field Specific Language Courses for Companies:

Commercial and Marketing – Administration and Finance – Manufacturing – Secretariat and Management Assistance – Logistics – Customer Care – Management – International Relations – Purchases – Human Resources – Problem Solving – Mechanics – Textile industry – Pulp and paper industry – Fashion/Accessories – Tourism – Boating – Engineering – Medicine/Pharmaceuticals – Law – Food – Nursing

Specific programs based upon individual company needs:

Virtus Animi conducts a preliminary interview with the company’s representatives to determine its specific needs, the areas to be covered, and the best way to teach the course in order to enhance its effectiveness. After analysing educational needs and assessing knowledge levels, the language goals to be met by each course participant are established together with the representatives.

The aforementioned courses are available in the following languages:
English – German – Spanish – French – Russian – Chinese – Arabic – Italian for Foreigners

If you’re a private individual wishing to promote your personal and professional growth, please refer to our page dedicated to our Tailor-Made Courses.


Traduzioni Giurate - Interpretariato - Corsi di Lingua Straniera - Eventi Aziendali