Virtus Animi provides every mode of interpretation (simultaneous, consecutive, whispered or chuchotage, and liaison or bilateral) in Como, employing professional interpreters with a sound command of all languages involved in any given project. All of our interpreters are able to quickly process and elegantly render speech in the target languages, understanding and respecting linguistic subtleties (sentence structure, vocabulary, tone, register) in order to facilitate the most efficient and fluid interaction possible between clients.
The city of Como hosts a variety of cultural and artistic events, conventions and fairs, attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world. Over the past years, Virtus Animi has built a solid relationship of mutual trust and admiration with institutions of Como, such as the Teatro Sociale di Como (Como Social Theatre), Comune di Como (Municipality of Como), and Camera di Commercio (Chamber of Commerce). We have also had the privilege of working with numerous international and multinational organisations wishing to arrange conventions in this beautiful city, taking care of every aspect of our clients’ projects: from analysing locations to providing hosts and interpreters (in any of the modes detailed below), to hiring Bosch systems for simultaneous interpretation with a booth and audio system (comprising conference system microphones, radio-microphones, and audio mixers).
Our interpreters offer services in the following modes of interpretation:
- Consecutive interpreting
A full interpretation is given at the end of a speech, or at predetermined points throughout.
The interpreter sits with the speaker during the speech and subsequently gives an oral translation into another language, usually with the aid of notes. Today, consecutive interpreting has been primarily replaced by the simultaneous method. Nevertheless, it is still invaluable in settings such as highly technical conventions, business lunches, small groups, off-site trips, and public readings. Professional interpreters are able to accurately reproduce speeches lasting 10 minutes or longer.
- Simultaneous interpretation
An interpreter translates in real-time, perhaps while a speech is being given to a bilingual audience.
The interpreter works inside a soundproof room with at least one colleague. In the room, the interpreter receives the speaker’s microphone input through his or her headphones and, speaking into his or her own microphone, translates the speech in real-time. Audience members wear headphones and select the channel that enables them to listen to the interpretation in the language of their preference.
Should a client choose this mode of interpretation, Virtus Animi would take care of hiring and setting up the necessary equipment.
- Whispering or Chuchotage Interpretation (a.k.a., Simultaneous Whispered Interpreting)
The interpreter stands or sits next to the the party requiring interpretation and speaks at a low volume to provide a translation of the speaker’s words. For obvious reasons of practicality, whispered interpretation is only effective within close proximity. This technique is most often used in bilateral meetings or for groups within which only a few delegates are not proficient in a common language. It often replaces consecutive interpreting in order to save time. An interpreter providing this service may make use of headphones in order to better listen to the speaker’s words.
- Liaison (or Bilateral) Interpretation
An interpreter translates and acts as a linguistic intermediary translating for both parties to the languages of their counterparties. For negotiations concerning technical or specialised fields, we provide interpreters with the proper competences.
We are happy to provide interpreters for the following occasions:
- Fairs
We provide hosts and interpreters for fairs taking place in Como, Erba, Cernobbio, Rho, Milan, and Bologna. Our interpreters are fluent in English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian.
We have taken part in the following fairs: organised by Lario Fiere Como Lecco – Tourism Think Tank, Fornitore Offresi, RistorExpo, B Motor Show, Erba Elettronica, and Agrinatura; in Cernobbio – Textile Design Show, and Wine & Food Style; in Rho – Micam, Mipel, Food Hospitality World, Arte e Antiquariato, Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Lineapelle, and Bit; and in Bologna – Mostra Cinofila Internazionale, Mondo Elettronica, and Bologna si Sposa.
- Foreign Delegates visiting your company
An interpreter translates and acts as a linguistic intermediary translating for both parties to the languages of their counterparties. For negotiations concerning technical or specialised fields, we provide interpreters with the proper knowledge.
- Corporate Meetings
Virtus Animi offers linguistic intermediaries for companies hosting foreign delegates. After carefully analysing the background of the company requesting interpretation and the topic of the meeting at hand, we select an interpreter with the proper level of experience in the appropriate field(s). Moreover, we are happy to take care of our clients’ foreign guests by organising their stay in Italy, booking flights, hotels, and restaurants, as well as leisure activities (day trips, architectural tours, wine tastings, hikes, etc.) according to personal preference.
- Conference Calls
There are some occasions when understanding all the nuances of a conversation or speech proves to be pivotal, but there may not be adequate time to arrange a face-to-face meeting, or else the duration of the meeting would not excuse the expense of a physically present interpreter. For calls as brief as 15 minutes, we offer an on-call service which may be customised to the specific needs of your company or institution, taking into account the need for sector-specific lexicon in our selection of an appropriately trained interpreter.
The birth and rapid growth of global markets have created the need for companies and professionals, regardless of field, to communicate with clients all over the world.
Since professional, accurate, and efficient communication with clients is an invaluable component of any business’s success, Virtus Animi offers the ideal solution to the challenges posed by today’s markets, which require mastery of a variety of foreign languages for correspondence and interaction with increasingly international clientele.
Contact us for more information.
We provide interpreters for exchanges between any languages requested, including, but not limited to: